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Mission Work in Africa and Beyond - Serving the Global Community


United States

T2S began in 2020 with two groups that helped us develop the training for the American context. In February 2021, a new group was formed, and in April 2021, an additional group was started. The participants have shared the gospel 523 times resulting in 29 salvations and these faithful disciples are training 13 other disciples. 


Would you like to learn more about the T2S training? There is no cost; all you need is a Bible, pen, and a heart to share the gospel and train other disciples. Fill out the form below, and someone will be in contact with you about how to bring this training to your church. The training is also available for small groups and individuals.

We Need Your Support Today!


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By Mail

P.O. Box 1206 Verona, VA 24482

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