Who We Are
In 2013 upon arriving in India, the vast spiritual darkness was almost overwhelming. It became evident the best strategy to reach and impact this great sea of lostness was to equip and train local disciples how to share the gospel and train others to do the same. The training began using a biblically sound, but easily reproducible training called Tree of Life. TOL had a strong emphasis on accountability which is essential to multiplication. The key element was for these national disciples to understand they were the best missionaries to their people, and the Great Commission called for them to be involved.
Over three years, what the Lord did was amazing. As national disciples were trained and obediently went into their mission fields, there were salvations by the hundreds and then thousands. They were training the most faithful trainers as master trainers. These trainers became missionaries sent out from their local churches.
From July of 2013 to January of 2016, there were over 30,000 new believers, over 10,000 baptisms, over 3500 house churches and home groups, and thousands of disciples trained. This was confirmed through the accountability process of the training. The Lord used nationally trained disciples to bring an abundant harvest. As a result the national church in the region took ownership of the training and it continues to multiply to this day.
In April 2016, TOL arrived in West Africa. The foundational principle of the training that holds the national missionary is the best missionary was foreign to the churches in Senegal and Guinea Bissau. The church had fallen into the trap of the pastors, and foreign missionaries were the ones who did evangelism and discipleship, not ordinary disciples.
The training began with a few national partners who were passionate about reaching their people for Christ. The disciples that were being trained and were obedient experienced the Lord using them to multiply His kingdom.
We began to see salvations in areas where there were no believers as those being trained took the gospel to those difficult areas where Islam was the dominant religion. Over time, networks of master trainers were trained from the most faithful trainers in different regions of Senegal and Guinea Bissau. As a result, the work multiplied quickly as national disciples and the national church took ownership. Now, after seven years, the fruit the Lord has brought is nothing short of miraculous. TOL has radically changed the church in Senegal and Guinea Bissau on how it does missions and its commitment to the Great Commission.
Being able to travel through other West African countries, the same need for a training tool that trains all disciples to make disciples was clearly seen. The leaders in these different countries expressed a need for TOL and requested it be brought to their respective countries. Through God's guidance and will Training2Send was formed. The Lord has moved those involved to obediently begin this organization to multiply the glory of His name and kingdom. Training2Send is a sending agency that trains national disciples in TOL and sends them to the most difficult and dangerous places to fulfill the Great Commission.
We have started training in the U.S. There is a contextualized version for the American church that is ready to be used.
Please join with us in prayer for the Lord to use Training2Send in a way that brings the Lord glory and multiplies His kingdom through the training of His church.